Retail Pro – It’s time to unify e-commerce with Retail Pro

How are your stores performing in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore?

Not sure?

Might be time to unify commerce. A critical step toward unified commerce is to integrate the data from every store, channel, and device so you get one complete view of what’s happening in your enterprise.

The Retail Pro POS and retail management platform has an open API so it plays nicely with all the other retail technologies you use as part of your strategy, simplifying data sharing with technologies like:

  1. ERP and accounting software, including SAP Business One
  2. eCommerce and omnichannel fulfillment software
  3. Loyalty, marketing, clienteling
  4. Business intelligence and visual reporting

Plus, Retail Pro is web-based, so it’s available on your choice of Apply, Windows, or Android devices, whether mobile or desktop. It’s the same consistent software and user experience on any device, so your retail associates don’t have to fumble through learning two disparate software tools to do one job.

With inventory and customer data shared seamlessly across your retail technologies and devices, you get a more complete picture of your business performance, which means you can make smarter, more informed decisions on how you manage retail.

  1. Centrally manage inventory and disseminate product data to stores
  2. Keep leaner inventory with centralized inventory management across the enterprise
  3. Let your customers know inventory availability for each product and store on your website
  4. Save every sale – look up inventory availability at nearby stores and send them the sale
  5. Connect the data to recognize your customers who shop across channels
  6. Reward your customers for their loyalty using unified online and in-store purchase data
  7. Leverage customer data captured at the POS to personalize your marketing efforts

Ready to see what unified commerce with Retail Pro would look like for your stores?

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