3 POS capabilities retailers need to give shoppers what they want



Pleasing shoppers is simple: Give them what they want.

It’s simple… it’s just not that easy.

Here are three things every retailer needs for controlled inventory that helps you get customers the goods for which they come to you.

1. Inventory accuracy

With Retail Pro, you can improve inventory accuracy, so you don’t lose sales due to out of stock or mismanagement.

You can see exact inventory location down to the bin.

With integrated RFID, you can see location of individual inventory items within a 6-foot diameter in the store or warehouse.

2. Real-time updates & reporting

Real-time communications in Retail Pro help your records keep updating throughout the day so managers are always on top of sales trends and proactively replenish stock.

With deep reporting capabilities in Retail Pro, managers can evaluate core KPIs and make needful adjustments in their store-level operations to ensure the store stays on track for sales performance.

3. Send sale & store fulfillment

Because you can see inventory at all locations from your Retail Pro POS, sales associates engaging shoppers can check inventory availability at other stores.

Associates can help customers get what they need by helping them order online or by sending the sale of an item to a different store.

The item can then be delivered to the customer’s home or to their nearest store location for in-store pickup.

That means customers never leave your store without having their needs met.

Put shoppers first

Keeping inventory operations is critical for reinforcing the trust and expectation shoppers have of your ability to get them what they need.

Efficient store operations capabilities in Retail Pro help you take control of inventory, so shoppers won’t leave disappointed.

Request a consultation or talk to your Retail Pro Business Partner today to learn more about store operations capabilities in Retail Pro.

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